Private Lives – 私生活



Step into the intriguing world of ‘Private Lives,’ where a clever group of swindlers stumbles upon a national secret that could change the game. As they set their sights on revealing this well-guarded information, they find themselves pitted against a powerful corporation, putting their unique skills to the ultimate test.

At the heart of this enigmatic tale is Lee Jung-Hwan, a team leader within the corporate world. His unassuming appearance hides a multitude of secrets, and his role in the unfolding events remains shrouded in mystery. Opposite him is Cha Joo-Eun, a swindler whose innocent facade conceals her true identity as a master deceiver. She relies on her cunning abilities to make a living.

Adding to the intrigue is Jung Bok-Ki, an expert swindler known for targeting her fellow con artists. Her elegance and charisma set her apart as a force to be reckoned with in this world of deception. Teaming up with her is Kim Jae-Wook, who partners with Jung Bok-Ki to pull off their elaborate schemes.

Meanwhile, ‘Private Lives’ weaves another captivating narrative thread as Goo Ra Ra and Sun Woo Joon cross paths at the intimate private piano academy, LaLa Land, located in a quaint country village.

Dive into the world of ‘Private Lives’ by watching this Korean drama online. Follow along as secrets are uncovered, deceptions unravel, and a gripping story of intrigue and suspense unfolds.

该剧讲述生活型骗子不经意介入了国家级“隐私(私生活)”,为了能生存下去而施展各种骗术和像歌利亚(注:“歌利亚”是传说中的巨人)一样的大企业展开骗术对决,揭露国家巨大的“私生活”的故事。该剧以经过了时代变迁,为了在韩国生存下去不得不成为骗子的一个家庭的故事为开篇,将通过生计 型骗子的行骗生活投射出大韩民国普通市民的喜怒哀乐。 【徐贤】饰演从小在骗子父母抚养下长大,自然而然熟习各种骗术的生计型骗子且擅长变装的【车珠恩】;【高庚杓】饰演假冒大企业“SL电子”的开发组组长,接近女主车珠恩的神秘男子【李正焕】;【金孝珍】饰演韩国骗子界骗术排名前1%的职业骗子【郑福奇】;【金永敏】饰演【郑福奇】的骗子搭档【金在旭】。

(Source: Wikipedia)

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Native Title: 사생활

Native Title: sasaenghwal / Privacy / Sasaenghwal / Private Life / Personal Life

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Aired: October 7, 2020 – November 26, 2020

Runtime: 75 Minutes

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch Private Lives – 私生活

K TV Drama


Stars Cast
Seo Ju Hyun (徐玄, 서주현) Cha Joo Eun 车州訚 (ONE STAR生活型诈欺犯, 为了生活,选择成为诈骗道路中的生活型诈欺犯,诈骗经历29年,刚结束1年6个月刑期)
Go Kyung Pyo (高庚杓, 이재욱) Lee Jung Hwan 李靖桓 (GK科技公司开发二组组长, 为了生存,在骗子之间赌上私生活的男人)
Kim Hyo Jin (金孝珍, 김효진) Jung Bok Gi 郑允景/郑福基 (前主播、现诈骗事业专家, 前身为主播郑允景,其骗术高超,曾欺骗过车州訚一家)
Kim Young Min (金永敏, 김영민) Kim Jae Wook 金在旭/金爱德华 (GK科技公司出身的诈欺犯, 为了得到更多,践踏别人私生活的男人)



TV Show Details

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Aired: October 7, 2020 – November 26, 2020

Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday

Runtime: 75 Minutes

Episodes: 16
